Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The I Am CrossFit challenge is over! O-ver! Done-diddly-done-done! And I am one happy girl!

I’m happy because (I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this…) it is over. Staying on point all the time is exhausting!

I’m happy because I did it! I set my goals, worked towards my goals and accomplished my goals.

I’m happy because for the first time in two years, I am actually seeing results from my workouts. Workouts, mind you, that aren’t two hour workout-until-you-drop marathon sessions. I know. Its nuts.

Happy because I dropped nearly 5% body fat! Of course I still have more to drop. I’d like to drop at least another 3-5% in the next two months. But this challenge was great because I now see what I can accomplish in just two months.

I’m happy because I don’t have to do the benchmark workout again. OUCH!!! That was NOT fun! And, who ordered the wind on Saturday? That made the running BRUTAL!

I’m happy because (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) CrossFit makes me happy. The thing that beats me up and down the gym every time I’m there, the thing that drags me out of bed at 5 AM, the thing that is by and large the most painful thing I do every day, actually makes me happy! Go figure – but I love it. I think it has something to do with workout endorphins…

And on a similar note, I’m happy because of the CrossFit community. Everyone is so incredibly supportive. I wanted to give up on the last run (I was hurting) but my fellow early-riser Jayson told me to keep going. My workout buddy Heather is a huge reason why I finally am getting the hang of (get it…getting the hang of?) Kipping Pull-ups; she really helps push and motivate me and is a constant ball of energy! And also Mel who I've never taken a class with, but have gotten to know through the CF community and she is awesome. I mean, really, what else do you need to know about a person but that they are a badass CrossFitter. It speaks volumes, doesn't it?

I couldn’t have finished the workout at all if it weren’t for Lance, JDP, Randal, and Mike talking me (ok, yelling me) through the entire twelve minutes. Twelve minutes can seem like a really long time when your entire body hurts! Lance REALLY had to get me through the last minute when I was down to the wire (finished in 11:54). He kept yelling “one more! Short breaks! Short breaks!” If I weren’t absolutely DYING I would have yelled back “YOU do one more, this IS a short break!” I think that’s why the coaches' yelling intensifies toward the end of workouts – you are simply too tired to yell back.

And of course I can’t forget Megan, who (silly girl) gave me her AIM name, so I could IM her all day every day about Life the Universe and Everything!

This is the first thing I’ve done for myself in a long time and for the first time in a long time I know where I am. I know the direction I want to go with my career, I know the people I want to spend time with, I know what I want to do with my free time...I just know things where there were question marks before. I know I’ve gotten cheesy sentimental, and it seems like I've won an Oscar and not just finished a twelve minute workout (and I promise I’m about to stop) but I feel like CrossFit has been really clarifying.

And when it comes down to it, that makes me a happy girl.

1 comment:

  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I know I've said it more times than one but I am so proud of you. Hard work and consistency truly does pay off. I can't wait to see everything that happens in the next 2 months. Go Team!
