Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Calm Before the Storm?

Yesterday we completed the benchmark workout for the I Am CrossFit challenge. It was the "before" so we can better gage our "after". I qualified it as Day One because, in my mind, that is when the challenge started. Actually it sort of started for me the day before...I was so nervous about Saturday morning that I was zone perfect on my diet all day and went to bed early - on a Friday night, no less!

Today is my day off. Not from the Zone and not in an I'm-going-to-lie-around-all-day-and-do-nothing type of day, but rather, it is my day off from working out. I feel like it is sort of the calm before the storm because the I Am CrossFit challenge hasn't really started. I haven't talked about specifics with my coach yet, I haven't had to be accountable for a food journal, I haven't had to be responsible for workouts done on my own...but I feel like that will all change tomorrow.

It's not that it is even going to be that big of a change for me. I've worked out 5-6 times per week for a long time now and I've been following the Zone for about a month already. Granted, that month fell in the holiday season and while I practiced restraint VERY well (if I do say so myself) I know that I gave myself allowances here and there! And I'm not even going to apologize for Christmas dinner. I'm not going to talk about it either. Let's just say that, while I didn't gorge myself, I am sure that it wasn't Zone friendly.

I did do a pretty intense workout that morning, it that makes any difference...

But all that is in the past and now I really want to make a change. I really want a big difference in my before and after photos. I want to see the inches and body fat percentage drop. I think that I want this challenge to be so successful that it is making me a bit nervous. I can handle the commitment, that's not a problem. But I've been committed before; am this going to be another one of those times that I work my ass off and get no results? That would be really hard for me.

Let's not count our chickens before they hatch, though. Tomorrow: OFFICIAL Day 1.

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