Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hmph..."virtue" my...er...nevermind

Think back to when you were a kid. Let’s say about 8-10 years old.

Are you there? Good. OK, now think, as your 8-10 year old self, and try to remember that anticipatory feeling you got in the pit of your stomach when there was something really exciting coming up that you were waiting for. Something like Christmas, a trip to a water park or, if you are a wee bit on the nerdy side like me, the first day of school.

Do you have it? That antsy-with-excitement feeling? The feeling that makes seconds seem like minutes, minutes seem like hours, hours seem like days, days seem like weeks and weeks feel like decades – that feeling?

That, my friends, is what it is like for me right now waiting to see results.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that I’ve had results. I am stronger and faster than when I started a couple of months ago, my diet is as good as it’s ever been and for the first time in a long time I have fitness goals that are more specific than “lose weight”. But those aren’t results that can be seen in a mirror.

It would be amazing to look in the mirror and say, “you know; I think I do look faster…and, yeeees, yes…when I look closely, I see those excellent fitness goals radiating on me!” – but I digress.

No, this isn’t a matter of not getting results; I’m already on track to get those. This is merely a matter of me being the most impatient person on Earth. Seriously, how long have I been doing this challenge? A week?

I’ll remind you that, since I have apparently reverted to my prepubescent self, a week feels like a decade. And ten years does seem like an awfully long time to see results, doesn’t it? When you think about it, I really deserve a nomination to sainthood for being patient for that long.

Take yesterday for example. The workout really hurt in that good “I-hope-my-legs-fall-off-so-I-can-have-a-legitimate-excuse-to-get-out-of-this-workout” type of way. But, alas, my legs survived the workout (barely), and off I went to go get ready for the day. As I’m getting ready I was looking in the mirror, as one is inclined to do (I, for one, have never mastered the skill of putting on eyeliner without the aide of a mirror) and I thought to myself hmph…I don’t look any different than yesterday.

That’s right, not a lick different. These inches that are supposed to “fall off” (I object to that term, but that’s an argument for another day) are…not so much. But again it has only been a decade..er...week.

The thing is, like Christmas, the water park or the first day of school, I know that my day will come. I know that in another few decades (read: weeks (grumble)), I will see what the trifecta of CrossFit, zone diet and Advocare supplements can do for me. I’ll just have to find my Zen spot and wait like everyone else to see what happens.

But until then, all I can do is sit in the backseat of my parents car and ask, “are we there yet?!”

Ummm…still no.

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